BarberPOLL Awards Gala & Symposium

Brought to you by BarberTime Academy

Shop - Anxiety Poll

Do you think "the shop" environment can lead to anxiety issues for a Barber or Stylist?

Client Peer-Support

When a client is in need, do you offer your support or resources?

Client Relationship

Do your clients ask for, and use your advice?

Emmy Nominated Barber to PValley’s Lil Murda.

Recap of @carvedbyj as Lead Ambassador to the #Kiva24 and #BarberTimeRADIO personnel at the 2024 Connecticut Barber Expo, in the Mohegan Sun Casino. Jason Yancey, Celebrity Barber to PValley star Lil Murda, sits down with KIVA Centers of MA and BarberTime Radio. #DJ Rozey


Streaming LIVE from CTBE 2024!



Let’s Grow the Biz!