
Mike “The Visionary” Cotton

9 September 2022


Name: “AlexdaBarber” Colon

Hometown: Roxbury, MA

Age: 21


AlexdaBarber is young, but not new to the barber industry. Alex has been cutting hair for the past six years, and in December of last year, La Magia barbershop (Roslindale, MA) gave him the opportunity to display the magic that he can do with clippers. Colon worked at La Magia barbershop until March of this year, quite soon after, he found himself under the wing of Euan Davis at The Biz barbershop (Mattapan, MA).

Alex expressed to the BarberTime Press that becoming a barber became a passion of his because the barbershop was the first place to show him how to properly run a business, especially around the time that Covid-19 spread while he was working at La Magia barbershop.

In regard to Alex’s goals, he wants to, “make the barbershops the stronghead within the community, and a place where people can come and be comfortable.” He’s also motivated to bring his community together, Alex wants to own his community someday so that he can, “host numerous events, and make the community whole again.”

A lesson the barber industry taught him:  “Not everyone strives for the same things that you do… choose your friends wisely.”

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