BarberTime helps businesses select entrepreneurial Barbers & Stylists to represent their brand!

For Clients

CLIENTS!!! You’re the reason Barbers & Stylists have a career! You’re the reason businesses and agencies reach out to shops! You are the biproduct to the purpose, of this platform!

You confide in your Barber or Stylist! They now have the resources to network better with businesses, and shape their GRAPEVINE posts (marketplace), to the needs of their clients, YOU!

Support your favorite Barber/Stylist and help boost them to the top of areas searches. Also help them get better Ambassador hires from neighboring Business Members.


What can you do?

  • Find new deals on the GrapeVine marketplace.
  • Earn ways to get free haircuts & BarberTime merch.
  • Emails the Buzz updates and stay up on what’s new with BarberTime.


What we’re working on !

  • Client support tools like your favorite shop or business’ FAN CLUB, their MEMBER DIRECTORY and access to our interactive media content.
  • Earn referrals by building relationships with neighboring businesses.


Click here to sign up for a free registration. Select the PUBLIC membership type.