BarberTime Appreciation Brunch 2024 – Sponsors
BarberTime is making sure the city of Boston knows that the community oriented Barbers & Stylists have always been there in times of need, serving with compassion and intent.
Over the course of the last 2 years, many of these professionals proven their worth, so BarberTime wants to show our appreciation, and share it with everyone who will listen.
A Press Release will be sent out in hopes of shedding light on a very noble cause, by these everyday professionals doing more than meets the eye, on an everyday basis.
Attendees can brunch on chicken & waffles, lobster tails, shrimp, fresh fruit and more, while enjoying the entertainment from BarberTime RADIO DJ’s & personalities.
Your support will help our efforts to further community involvement, training and resources for our shop affilliates.
Be a BarberTime Appreciation Brunch 2024 Sponsor
- Company name and logo on the BarberTimePLUS event page.
- Company name & logo on the event banner.
- BarberTimeRADIO DJ announcements (1) during the event.
- : $500
- BarberTimeRADIO DJ announcements (3) during the event.
- Company name and logo on the BarberTimePLUS event page.
- Company name & logo on the event banner.
- Table booth for 2 at the event.
- Brunch meal ticket for 2 at the event.
- Cost: $1,000
- BarberTimeRADIO DJ announcements throughout the promotions period Feb-Apr.
- BarberTimeRADIO DJ announcements (3) during the event.
- Company name and logo on the ALL, social media event promotions. Including ads.
- Company name and logo, as a PRESENTER, on the BarberTimePLUS event page.
- Company name & logo, as a PRESENTER, on the event banner.
- Table booth for 4 at the event.
- Brunch meal ticket for 4 at the event.
- Cost: $2,500
A “Special Thank You” to the following:
Massachusetts Deptartment of Mental Health
Boston Public Health Commission
KIVA Centers
of Massachusetts