Listed below are the current Player options. Please review and select the “Pay Now” best for you or your company.
All options take you to a secure PayPal payment portal.

Please join BarberTime and Carroll Communications in registering as a golfer or being a sponsor for the 2023 “Cut Strut & Putt” Charity Golf Tournament. Help us support local organizations by completing one of the attached Sponsorship forms.

Thank you for your consideration!

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CSP23 Player Registration

Individual & Group Player Registration: $125-$450

Register as an individual or as a group of 2, 3 or 4

Individuals will be placed into groups of 4

2 golfers per golf cart. 2 carts per group only

  • 1 Player $125
  • 2 Players $250
  • 3 Players $400
  • 4 Player Group $475

*Golf registration Includes access to Clubhouse Event

Pay here

CSP Player Registration

Thank You, for your support!